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Thanks! Here's Your "Ultimate Distance Off the Tee" Master Class

Hey, it's Jack Moorehouse, and welcome to the How to Break 80 / Go Lower Golf family!

I think you're going to like what I have in store for you a lot in the coming days and weeks.

That includes all kinds of great content to improve your golf scores and help you go lower than ever before.

As promised, here's my "Ultimate Distance Off the Tee" Master Class that will help you add 30-50 yards to your drives.

The important thing to remember?

Just watching these videos won't necessarily improve your game! You need to practice the tips, tricks, and techniques in each video too.

Even 20-30 minutes of practice per week can add up and make a big difference.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. Enjoy the course, and Go Lower! 


P.S. I'll have a bunch of great free golf tips, tricks, and techniques coming to you a few times a week in your email--if you haven't yet, please confirm your subscription to my free golf tips list now. It should already be in your email.

Your Grip - The Foundation of Your Swing... and One of the Easiest Ways to Gain Distance Off the Tee

I always start things off with the grip. It's the foundation of your swing, and often if you're having trouble driving the ball, it's due to your grip in one way or another.

Here's Steve Pratt with Grip Secrets of the World's Longest Drivers:

And then here's Adam Bazalgette with "What is the Best Grip to Use for Driving the Ball?"

The Best Setup for MAX Power

The name of the game for power (and pretty much everything else in golf)?


And consistency in your golf swing begins with your setup.

Here's Good Good Labs with "How to Add Distance to Your Driver with Your Setup":

And then here's "The Complete Driver Guide - The Setup" by Rick Shiels Golf:

How to Find the Best Driver for Your Swing

Mark Crossfield goes through in detail and shows you how to find the absolute best driver based on your existing swing:

4 Easy Swing Tips to Maximize Your Distance Off the Tee

(Including Tips From a "Short Guy" Who Added 60 Yards)

Okay here's the "meat and potatoes."

Some of the top instructors, champions, and pros in the world sharing their secrets on how to drive the ball much further off the tee.

First up we go back to Rick Shiels with "3 Simple Tips to Hit Your Driver Longer"

Then here's Long Drive Champ Jeff Flagg on how he CRUSHES drives super far:

Next is the super charismatic Danny Maude, whom many would consider "short" or at least "not tall," and he shares his secret of how he added 60 yards to his drives with little-to-no effort:

Finally, we finish up with "3 Tips to Drive Straight" with Clay Ballard. 

It doesn't matter how far you can hit it if you can't drive the ball straight.

In fact, driving the ball straight will add even more distance to your drives, since it's not going right or left.

Here's Clay with his straight driving tips:

If You Want to Get Even Better at Golf, Drive the Ball Further, and Improve All Facets of Your Game So That You Break 80... Here's What to Do Next...

I've put together a list of the 5 Most Costly Mistakes Most Weekend Golfers Make.

These don't only have to do with distance... though they will definitely help you with that as well...

But they will help you round out your game, go much lower with your scores, and (with a little consistent practice) finally break 80 consistently.

These aren't "advanced" tips by any stretch... and I promise you that any weekend golfer can benefit from these...

It does NOT matter how young or old you are...

How short or tall you are...

How "big of muscles" you have...

No matter any of those things, once you know these mistakes and how to fix them, and with a little practice, your golf game will improve.

Check it out here, plus a nice little "bonus offer" for you as my way of saying thanks for being a subscriber:

Thanks again, and Go Lower!



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