
proper golf stance

Develop A Go-To Golf Shot

There are numerous reasons why players work the ball. They can hold it up into the wind. Work it away from trouble. Or fade or draw the ball to better get at different pin locations. A straight ball flight would be subject to the wind direction, so for example, if there is a left pin location, the wind is left to right, you would have to start the ball way left of the green and hope the wind brings it back on target. Or you could draw the ball (right handed) into the wind and have your miss (if the wind overpowers the draw) be in the middle of the green. It also can improve the angle of attack depending on pin location and shape of the green. Also think about fairways that bend left or right. Shaping the ball allows them to utilize the most out of the course’s shape.

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Master Your Golf Driver Swing

The Secret to Hitting the Ball Straight Every Time…

Do you know what “D-Plane” is in golf? Not many players do. But don’t beat yourself up too much over not knowing what the term means. It’s not a concept you’d learn from taking golf lessons or reading golf tips in magazines. But knowing what D-Plane is in golf can help you go low and

The Secret to Hitting the Ball Straight Every Time… Read More »

6 Simple Tips to Shape Your Shots That Separate “Players” From Duffers…

What type of golfer are you? Many weekend golfers are average golfers. On a good day, they can break 100. Other golfers are good golfers. They shoot in the 90s consistently or 80s. Then there are the “players.” These players play smart golf and can meet almost any golf challenge that they face. If you’re

6 Simple Tips to Shape Your Shots That Separate “Players” From Duffers… Read More »

deceleration in golf swing

5 Drills to Control Your Shots Like a Tour Pro

The key to shrinking your golf handicap is to develop a repeatable swing that combines consistency and distance. That’s easier said than done! Some weekend golfers hit the ball long, but lack consistency. On the other extreme, some hit the ball consistently into the fairway, but with far less distance than they need to conquer longer par 4s and 5s over time. One common reason for this lack

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