Proper Golf Stance

How To Score In Golf | Simple and Easy Ways To Go Low

Ever wonder how to score in golf?  I mean really play well and shoot your lowest score?

It could be as simple as HOW you are approaching the game.  You see, I’ve worked with tens of thousands of golfers and the ONE COMMON THING that you need to do in order to score consistently well is __________.

I go into more detail about it here.

Whether your goal is to break 100, 90 or 80, how to score in golf is a matter of simply knowing the tricks and methods of accomplished players.

Why is scoring in golf important?  Well, some of us just go out on the course for a few beers and some stogies.  But most of us want to play well and shoot good scores.  Scoring in golf is all about goals and then figuring out how to get to those goals.

You’re gonna love this method.  It’s simple, proven to work and used by thousands of golfers.

Go Low!


  • Henri Freville says:

    Very cool stuff Jack. Thx a million for the good info.

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