Dial in Yardage with this Golf Drill

Fix Your Slice Forever with this Simple Golf Drill

What causes a slice? It depends. It could be your setup. It could be your takeaway. Or, it could be your transition. The last swing flaw is elusive to catch and fix. You can’t stop your swing at the top to check your transition. You’d ruin your tempo and rhythm. Plus, the transition happens so quickly that golf tips don’t always help.

The golf drill below will help you ditch a transaction-generated slice. It’s a proven exercise we use in our golf lessons to correct this type of slice.

Fix Your Slice Forever with this Simple Golf Drill

Step and Swing Golf Drill

Take your setup with a 6-iron or a 7-iron. Either will work for this drill. Take your typical address position. Now, move your front foot back until your feet are almost together. Then, step forward as you swing back. Swing through and hit the ball. Keep practicing until you’ve ingrained the feel of a good transition.

This golf drill stops two common transition errors. It stops the tendency to (1) move your arms through the transition first and (2) work the club out and across your body. Eliminate these two mistakes and you’ll eliminate what many consider the deadliest swing mistake in golf—the slice. Work on this golf drill often as you can to eliminate your slice.

Use These Five Golf Tips from Dustin Johnson

to Turn Slice into Power Fade

Dustin Johnson is an elite player. No question about it. In fact, he’s been a top player for a while now. What keeps him that way is his power fade—something he only started using a few years ago. Previously, DJ hit a draw. But about six years ago, he switched to a power fade.  The switch has paid off for him. He’s usually in the top 10 in the PGA’s strokes gained/tee-to-green stat.

Below are five golf tips that helped DJ turn his draw into a power fade. They can help you do the same:

  • Open your stance slightly
  • Keep your swing arc wide
  • Keep your left wrist straight
  • Move more vertically into the ball
  • Extend your arms fully

If you copy the golf tips above, you can turn your slice into a power fade and chop strokes off your scores:

  • DJ aligns his stance slightly left of the target line. That keeps the clubface open slightly at impact. The open face at impact helps makes the ball fade.
  • Slicers often limit body rotation as they go back. That narrows their swing arc. DJ turns away with his body and arms in unison. That delivers a more powerful and reliable downswing.
  • Slicers get to the top of their swings with cupped left wrists. That causes their clubfaces to open at impact. DJ keeps his left wrist straight at the top, which means he doesn’t have to adjust his downswing to avoid a slice.
  • If you look at a slicer’s swing, you’ll see her right shoulder moves out, not down, with the elbow away from the body. DJ drops his right shoulder, then tucks his left shoulder in on the downswing.
  • The radius in a slicer’s swing is typically narrow. That saps power from the swing and gives the golfer a chicken-wing look to his or her swing. DJ, on the other hand, extends his arms fully through his swing, generating awesome power.

Also Read:

Cure Your Slice Permanently with these Golf Tips

6 Helpful Tips to Make Sure You Have the Right Clubs In Your Bag

Fix Your Golf Swing with this Simple Drill

Use the Golf Tips in this Golf Drill to Save Strokes

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These five golf tips are simple changes to make. Work on them one at a time. When you’ve mastered one, move on to the next. Ingraining them turns your slice into a power fade, which can help you chop strokes off your scores.

The Golf Tips in this Article Can Help You Beat an Ugly Slice,

Cut Strokes from Your Scores

What’s your biggest frustration in golf? If you said a chronic slice, you have company. Slicing is among the biggest frustrations for weekend golfers. Many players fight hard to rid themselves of their slices but never do even—using proven golf tips. Instead, they learn to play the slice, which often costs them strokes and makes it hard to break 80.

This article features golf tips on ditching your slice. It tells you how to identify your slice’s cause, provides two proven slice-busting golf drills, and reviews clubs designed to help you break a slice’s iron grip.

Identifying your slice’s cause

Two swing flaws create a slice—an open clubface at impact and/or an incorrect club path. Sometimes, both swing flaws plague a golfer. The first step, then, in curing your slice is determining its cause. The easiest—and best—way to do that is to videotape your swing. By watching the tape, you can pinpoint what’s causing your slice.

A second way to determine your slice’s cause is to study your divots. You can tell a lot by doing that. A typically slice swing starts left of the target line then drifts right. An open clubface slice is somewhat similar. But in this case, it appears to start online, then veer sharply right.  Once you’ve pinpointed your slice’s cause, you can then cure it. See below for golf tips on how to do that.

·         Open clubface at impact golf drill

Squaring your clubface is the key here. So, if an open clubface is your problem, you need to do things that square it at impact. The best way to do that is to make sure your left hand is square at the top of your backswing. You then bring the club down with your hands and club in the same position at impact. Here’s a golf drill to help you ingrain that move:

Grip your driver in your lead hand only. Then put your trail hand in your pocket. Now assume your normal setup position and swing the club back and through with your front hand and arm only. Make sure you don’t cup your lead wrist at the top. Then come down into impact. Take only three-quarter swings to get the feel of the swing at first, then full swings later on.

Repeat the drill until you’ve ingrained the feeling of your front hand leading the swing. Remind yourself as you do the golf drill that your: (1) back side is your power side and (2) the front side is your control side. Practice this drill until your slice melts away.

Outside-in swing golf drill

This swing flaw creates a hard slice. If the clubface is open at impact as well, the slice gets ugly. To cure this swing flaw, you want your clubface to move in a straight line from the top down through to the ball, with the clubface in the same position as when you start your swing. Strengthening your grip, where you turn your left hand so you can see three knuckles, helps with this change. Here’s a golf drill to help:

Tee up a ball. Then take your normal stance with your driver. Now, take your front foot and shift it left, creating an open stance. When finished, you should be facing 30 to 40 degrees left of the target. Now swing back along your stance line and hit some balls.

Doing the drill will feel odd initially. So, swing at 70 percent. Then work your way up to 90 percent. Also, work your way back to a square stance or keep a slightly open stance when playing. Retain the feeling you first got when you moved your front foot out.

This golf drill does three things. It forces you to follow a straight line to the ball, gets you in a lower flatter position at the top, and obliges you to keep the clubface of your driver low. All help cure you’re slice.

Clubs that can help your slice

Realizing that slicers are desperate to eliminate their slices, manufacturers are now making clubs that help lessen your slice. Improved mechanics and the right club can yield surprising results quickly. Here are some clubs that can help you fight off your slice:

·         Offset clubs

Some manufacturers offer “draw” or “offset” clubs to fix and open clubface at impact. By closing the club at address, you fix your impact position without changing your swing. While effective, these clubs are just stopgaps. They’ll work for a while but that’s it. A slice comes from poor mechanics. That’s what you need to fix.

·         Adjustable face drivers

These clubs have adjustable hosel mechanism, which give you several lie and loft combinations. You dial in what works for you. If you’re slicing off the tee, you can start your club search by setting the club down at address and examining it. Some drivers have a closed face angle at address. Others have open clubface angles, which make your slice worse.

Finally, there is professional club fitting. Off the rack, you get standard, lie, length, and loft with a club. A professional fitter tailors a club specifically to you and your swing. If you have a repeatable swing, get all your clubs custom-fitted. That may not completely cure your slice. But it will give you more control of your shot shape.

The 5 Most Costly Mistakes In Golf…

I’ve worked with hundreds of weekend golfers personally… and even more through this website… and one thing about them is consistent:

They all seem to make at least a couple of these 5 same costly golf mistakes.

Each mistake saps power off your drives… prevents accuracy on irons shots…

They can even lead to a devastating slice or hook…

And of course, they cost you strokes on the green.

I want to help golfers like you play their best round of golf possible… and shave as many strokes as possible…

So I put all 5 of these devastating golf mistakes into a short, free article for you to browse.

Not only that, but I provide quick, easy fixes for each one at the end of the article so that you can save up to 10-15 strokes per round.

All you have to do is click the link below now and read the whole article, start to finish:

Click Here Now for the 5 Most Costly Mistakes In Golf (and How to Fix Them)


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