Practice These Two Proven Golf Drills to Shed Your Slice Forever

Practice These Two Proven Golf Drills to Shed Your Slice Forever

Still struggling with a slice? If you’re reading this, chances are good you are. No matter what you try, you can’t seem to shed your slice. Instead of enjoying your round, you’re racking up strokes and boosting your frustration level.

It’s not only you, though. Countless other golfers are doing the same. Slicing, in fact, is among the top swing flaw in the game, if not the top.

Below are two drills that can help you shed your slice. The first is a blast from the past. The second is new to us but one that has helped many golfers ditch their slices.

Golf Drill #1.

If your hand and lower body get ahead of the ball on your downswing, you’ll struggle to square the clubface at impact. That leads to a slice. Practicing the drill below corrects this swing flaw:

Take your normal address position, with a 7-iron in hand and a ball at the normal 7-iron position in your stance. Have a friend hold two shafts—one above the other—against your club at address. Now swing. Try to hit the lower shaft on your downswing. Have your friend pull the shafts away before impact.

This golf drill encourages you to release the clubhead earlier in the downswing. That squares the clubface at impact and straightens the ball flight. Make sure you don’t flip your wrists.

Golf Drill #2.

The idea with this golf drill is simple. The butt end of your club should point out and to the right of the target line when you finish the swing:

Start by taking your regular setup with your driver. Now swing back the way you usually do. You should finish with your hands high and the butt end of the club pointing to the right of the target line. If that’s not where you are, change your hands to achieve this result.

This simple golf drill works. Why? First, because you’re changing your swing so you finish high with your hands. Second, because you’re rotating the club so your grip points to the right of the target line as you come into the ball.

The result: the club path works to the right and the clubface squares up at impact. That turns a slice into a draw.

How to Cure Your Slice Forever: 5 Proven Golf Tips

There’s no silver bullet to cure a slice. That’s because there’s no single cause for slicing. Take three golfers that slice. Each could have a different reason for slicing. Ultimately, you slice because you attack the ball using an out-to-in swing path. That opens your clubface at impact and imparts sidespin on the ball, creating a slice.

Swing the club on an in-to-out swing path, however, and you eliminate slicing. Of course, that’s easier said than done if you slice. Below are five golf tips that can help you set your club on an in-to-out swing path.

  • Strengthen your grip
  • Align your body right of the target
  • Move the ball back in your stance
  • Straighten your arm early in the downswing
  • Cross your top hand over your bottom hand

These tips come compliments of David Leadbetter, one of the game’s top instructors. You can try one or all six of these tips to help cure your slice. Trial and error will tell you which tips work for you and which don’t.

Also, if you’re hitting your driver off the tee, try to hit the ball higher. Doing so helps eliminate sidespin, so your ball goes straighter.

You can also try hitting balls off a sidehill. Make sure the ball is a couple of inches above your feet before swinging. That creates a more rounded swing plane. It also promotes a powerful in-to-out swing path.

Here’s a proven golf drill that can help you rid yourself of your slice:

Step Swing Golf Drill

This swing drill works. It helps you end a slice that’s caused by a bad transition from backswing to downswing:

  1. Take your setup with a 6-iron or 7-iron.
  2. Stand with your feet together.
  3. Step the lead foot forward as you swing back.
  4. Swing through and hit the ball.

The stepping motion helps you get your club on an in-to-out swing path. That reduces slicing. Once you’re gotten the feel of coming from the inside, ingrain it in your swing.

Also Read:

Cure Your Slice Permanently with these Golf Tips
Fix Your Slice Forever with this Simple Golf Drill
Use This Golf Drill to Drain More 10-Footers
Proper Golf Stance Seven Pro-like Checkpoints
Hitting It Straighter Than Ever: 5 Golf Drills

Busting Five Golf Myths About Curing Your Slice Next Time Out

Is your slice still plaguing you? If it is, you’re not alone. Countless golfers can’t rid themselves of their slices—no matter what they do. Try as you might, you can’t seem to conquer this swing flaw. Instead, you’re racking up strokes and boosting scores. Plus, you’re getting frustrated. Playing golf this way is no fun.

If you’re serious about breaking 80, you’ll need to turn that slice of yours into a draw. Or, you could turn it into a fade off the tee. (That strategy worked for Jack Nicklaus. It can work for you, too.) However, your biggest challenge in mastering your slice may not be swinging the club. Instead, it may be overcoming bad information.

Five Myths about Slicing

There’s a ton of information out there about how to beat a slice. This information includes articles, DVDs., videos, and books. Much of it is good. But some of it isn’t so good. And that can hurt you when it comes to shedding your slice.

You can’t overcome your slice if you’re not addressing the root problem. Bad information prevents you from doing that.

Below are five myths about slicing that can prevent you from beating your slice:

1.      Golf balls can prevent slicing

This myth is false. Some golf balls can give you an edge when it comes to hitting it longer. Others can give you better touch and feel around the greens. But no golf ball by itself can straighten out your slice. That doesn’t mean you should look for a ball that’s right for you. By all means, do so. Just don’t think that it will be a silver bullet to cure your slice when you find that ball. That’s not happening.

2.      The right equipment will cure a slice?

We’ve all succumbed to the idea that buying the right equipment can improve our game. That seldom works. So, it is with your slice. Buying the newest, most technologically advanced driver won’t magically cure your slice. Nor will it solve any other golf issues you have. You may find a club that minimizes your slice. But cure it? That’s not happening.

3.      Strengthening your grip will cure a slice

It’s not unusual to have a friend suggest a strong grip will help you beat a slice. This suggestion is a common one made to slicers. This fix might minimize your slice for a period, but it won’t fix its root cause. Put another way, the reason you’re slicing isn‘t that you have a weak grip. If you want to stop slicing off the tee, you need to get to the real cause of your slice and change that.

4.      You can hit a draw with an open clubface

Few weekend golfers can do this. You need to have a closed clubface at impact to hit a draw. That works. But be careful when closing the clubface. Too many weekend golfers overcompensate when doing that. That causes them to come over the top with their swings. When golfers come over the top, it’s almost impossible to get the swing path to the right of the clubface at impact. Hence, you end up with a slice.

5.      Golf tips on the swing in general won’t help cure your slice

Ever hear someone say, “Keep your head down” when you hit a terrible shot? How about “swing easier? Or, “Make sure you close your clubface.” These general golf tips won’t help you cure your slice. They don’t address your slice’s underlying cause. If you want to cure your slice, you first need to understand the relationship between swing path and clubface. Then you can squeeze the slice out of your swing.

Five Steps to Beating Your Slice

Now that we’ve busted these common five myths about slicing, we can start thinking about remedies to cure your slice. Here is a simple five-step golf drill you can try at the range that can help:

  • Drop your trail foot back about six inches from your front foot
  • Close your front shoulders about 15 to 20 degrees
  • Set your clubface square to the target line
  • Swing along your shoulder line
  • Make about at 50% to 75% swing with just your arms

These five steps create the feeling of what it’s like to swing on an outside-to-in swing path—the key to hitting a draw. That’s a feeling you need to ingrain to shed your slice. Once you do that, you can move on to making full swings. Work on this golf drill until swinging this way feels natural and your slice will be gone for good.


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